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INPUT NEEDED – Regional Safety Action Plan

INPUT NEEDED – Regional Safety Action Plan

February 20, 2025

Following a year and a half of work in the region, the TARCOG Regional Safety Action Plan for transportation is ready for public review and comment.

TARCOG’s Director of Economic Development and Planning Lee Terry asks that anyone who lives, works and drives in northeast Alabama to review the plan and provide input.

The deadline for input is 5 p.m., Friday, March 21. Comments and questions may be provided through email at

The area project focuses on DeKalb, Jackson, Marshall and portions of Limestone and Madison counties. Started in August 2023, the plan was funded by the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grants from the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration.

For more information or any questions or information requests about this process please contact TARCOG Economic Development & Planning Staff at 256-830-0818.

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Survey open for local governments and nonprofits

Survey open for local governments and nonprofits

January 6, 2025

TARCOG is assisting the Appalachian Regional Council (ARC) by requesting input on a survey about capacity building from local governments and nonprofits.

“ARC is continually looking for ways to improve the invaluable resources and efforts that they provide to the Appalachian Region,” says Lee Terry, TARCOG’s director of economic development and planning. “Only through organizations providing feedback will they truly be able to reach their goal of increasing the economic competitiveness of the ARC region.”

Lee asks that area leaders to consider taking a few minutes to complete the survey with input on how they can be as effective as possible in improving their services and offerings to governments and nonprofits in the region.

Action steps include:

  • Share the survey with organizations that you believe can provide good insights into capacity building needs within the region! We are especially hoping to hear from those who are not currently connected to ARC. We have a survey promotion toolkit available here at

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Funding Lab held at TARCOG

TARCOG and Neighborhood Concepts, Inc., sponsored a free, three-hour Funding Lab workshop on Dec. 5, for business owners seeking to grow their businesses.

The AssistAL informational workshop held at the TARCOG office on Old Madison Pike, provided details of Alabama’s State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) capital program, the application process, and how businesses can get support along the way.

During The Funding Lab, Reginald Smith, small business finance expert, covered details about a new SSBCI program, including how it can help businesses, how the process works, and what they may need to better their chances of success. Michelle Kloske, a business advisor with the Alabama Small Business Development Center at UAH, was also there to answer questions.

Harry Lawler, owner of Sunny Blues Barbershop in downtown Huntsville, said he learned a lot of “great information” that will help him grow his business. He started his own shop after cutting hair for 20 years and spending eight of those managing three shops for a company that served Redstone Arsenal.

He started his shop on Jefferson Street about three years ago.

Harry said his biggest takeaway from the Fund Lab was about how to present himself when going to talk to someone about a loan.

“Basically, I learned that I don’t need to talk too much, that the paperwork will speak for itself,” he said. “I’m glad y’all held this workshop and I’m glad that I came. I would come again if you had it.”

Rebuild Alabama Act Applications Open

The Rebuild Alabama Act (RAA) Annual Grant Program for FY25 has been announced and is now accepting applications through February 7, 2025.

The ALDOT administered program awards funding to eligible projects annually based on a competitive application process. For FY25, a total of $15 million has been allocated for this program.

Of that $15 million, $10 million will be awarded with no cash match required on projects up to $250,000.

The remaining $5 million will be awarded with a 50/50 match required up to $100,000 for any amount requested over $250,000.

That means the maximum amount of RAA funding that can be requested per project this year is $250,000 with no match, or $350,000 with a local match of $100,000.

TARCOG is available to assist in determining project eligibility.

Any Preliminary Engineering, Right-of-Way Acquisition, or Utility Relocation will be the responsibility of the project sponsor. All information about this funding opportunity is posted on ALDOT’s website.

Applications will be accepted from now until no later than 5:00pm on February 7, 2025.

As always, if there is any way that TARCOG can be of assistance to you in applying for these funds or if we can provide more information about this opportunity, please reach out to the TARCOG Economic Development Staff at 256-830-0818.

New trail open in Guntersville

Residents and visitors of Guntersville are enjoying an expanded recreation trail along the eastern portion of the U.S. 431 bridge that now connects to the new City Harbor development.

“Outdoor recreation is becoming increasingly more important to communities and a powerful tool for economic development and enhancing quality of life for residents, said TARCOG Economic Development and Planning Director Lee Terry. “TARCOG is excited anytime we get to assist one of our communities with adding to their inventory of outdoor recreation opportunities for residents of northeast Alabama.”

Guntersville Mayor Leigh Dollar has said the riverfront trail has been well-received and that she saw people on the trail walking and running on the weekends even before the paving was completed.

She said she believes it will be a huge draw for tourists and outdoor enthusiasts.

The recently completed $400,000 expansion project began in 2018. TARCOG assisted on the project by helping secure $320,000 in Regional Trails Program funding. The City of Guntersville covered $80,000 of the cost.

Before construction start. the trail was 3.7 miles long. A two-phase extension project involved funding from Alabama Department of Transportation’s Transportation Alternatives Program and the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs Regional Trails Program.

Mentone seeking new tourism opportunities

From left in Mentone in DeKalb County are TARCOG Economic Development Coordinator Leslie Wright, TARCOG Economic Development and Planning Director Lee Terry, ADECA Deputy Director Ashley Toole, ADECA Director Kenneth Boswell, Mentone Mayor Rob Hammond, ADECA Division Chief Crystal Talley, and Mentone Town Clerk Kristen Emory

When it comes to grant applications, planning is a crucial step that can benefit all parties interested in improving something in their community. In the small town of Mentone, home to about 325 people, city leaders recently took the opportunity to host officials with the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs and TARCOG to discuss a few projects, big and small.

A tour of the historic Moon Lake Village was a top priority. After Moon Lake Elementary closed in 2021, the Town of Mentone took over the school campus after DeKalb County deeded it to the town. It’s located on the eastern side of the city limits.

In 2022 they began developing the campus as Moon Lake Village, a collection of shops, offices, spaces for artists and galleries. Northeast Alabama Community College also holds classes there and a new restaurant is planned for the former lunchroom.

The group discussed potential ways to do even more with the site to draw visitors to Mentone.

Mentone has applied for an Appalachian Regional Council grant to upgrade electricity plumbing, bathroom accessibility and other infrastructure across the former school campus. During the tour, the group discussed potential ways to do even more with the site to draw visitors to Mentone.

Virtual meeting planned for Redstone Arsenal JLUS study and implementation

TARCOG is planning a virtual discussion with statewide military installation leaders and other municipal and regional partners to share details about the Joint Land Use Study and Implementation Project for Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville.

Executive Director Michelle Jordan said the meeting will showcase work funded by two grants from the U.S. Department of Economic Adjustment, now called the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC).

The first grant provided the City of Huntsville funding for a joint land use study of Redstone Arsenal and its contiguous boundaries with multiple municipal and county jurisdictions that started in 2017. That was followed by an implementation grant to TARCOG for items identified in the study.

“Now we want to share what we learned through the process with other military installations who may be interested in doing something similar,” Michelle said. “This particular grant is available to help military installations remain viable and protected as their contiguous cities continue to grow and thrive.”

It’s been a great process, she said, to make sure that everyone works together to get what they need.

“As part of the implementation phase of the grant, we wanted to have a statewide forum to share how we went about securing and executing our OLDCC grant with other entities throughout the state,” she added.

Officials who attend will also hear from representatives from grant partners on the project including:

  • Redstone Arsenal
  • Matrix Design Group, a planning, engineering, environmental and transportation consultant
  • Alabama Military Stability Foundation

TARCOG Nominated for Best of Huntsville 2024

TARCOG is honored to receive a nomination for Best Nonprofit in Huntsville EVENT Magazine‘s #bestofhuntsville2024 Awards.
We know how dedicated our staff works to — enrich the lives of those who are aging and disabled in our community — AND assist municipal and county governments to make our area an even better place to live.
You can vote ☑️ for TARCOG at the link below in the Services Section..

Bridging the Gap for Growth

Map of the TARCOG Region counties including Limestone, Madison, Jackson, DeKalb and Marshall.
Map of the TARCOG Region.

By serving as a bridge between communities and federal resources, TARCOG plays a crucial role in ensuring that Northeast Alabama continues to thrive with dual designations from the Economic Development Administration (EDA) and the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC).

TARCOG proudly holds the designation by EDA as an Economic Development District (EDD) and from the ARC as a Local Development District (LDD), says Economic Development and Planning Director Lee Terry,

“This dual role not only enhances TARCOG’s capacity to serve the needs of Northeast Alabama but also underscores its commitment to fostering sustainable growth and improving the quality of life in the region,” Lee says.

Being designated as an EDD and LDD positions TARCOG as a vital player in regional economic planning and development initiatives. The EDA designation allows TARCOG to access federal funding and resources specifically aimed at stimulating economic growth, creating jobs, and fostering innovation.

Meanwhile, the ARC designation provides TARCOG with additional resources focused on community and economic development, particularly in the Appalachian region.

“This unique combination empowers TARCOG to tackle various challenges faced by local governments, from enhancing infrastructure to promoting workforce development,” Lee says. “By integrating these resources, TARCOG is better equipped to address the diverse needs of its member governments and the communities they serve.”

TARCOG offers a wide range of services that leverage its EDD and LDD designations:

  • Funding Assistance: TARCOG helps member governments navigate the complexities of federal and state funding opportunities. Whether it’s applying for EDA grants or ARC programs, TARCOG provides the expertise needed to secure financial resources for critical projects.
  • Comprehensive Planning: With extensive knowledge of planning methodologies, TARCOG assists local governments in developing comprehensive plans that align with regional goals. This includes zoning regulations, land use planning, and long-range strategies aimed at sustainable growth.
  • Capacity Building: Recognizing that many local governments face operational challenges, TARCOG offers training and support to enhance their capabilities. Workshops, seminars, and technical assistance are designed to equip local leaders with the tools needed to implement effective programs and policies.
  • Economic Development Strategies: TARCOG collaborates with member governments to develop targeted economic development strategies. By analyzing regional strengths and identifying opportunities, TARCOG helps communities attract investment, create jobs, and foster entrepreneurship.
  • Community Engagement: Engaging local residents and stakeholders is crucial for successful development initiatives. TARCOG facilitates community involvement through public meetings, workshops, and surveys, ensuring that the voices of citizens are heard and considered in decision-making processes.

TARCOG’s dual designation is not just a title; it represents a commitment to fostering collaboration among local governments and regional organizations.

As TARCOG moves forward, Lee says the focus remains on empowering member governments to build vibrant, resilient communities. By harnessing the strengths of its EDD and LDD designations, TARCOG is dedicated to advancing economic development and improving the quality of life for all residents in the region.

For more information, contact TARCOG’s Economic Development and Planning Department at 256-830-0818.