Caring for caregivers with resources and respite
Do you find yourself helping an older friend or family member manage day-to-day needs, finances, homemaking, medications, or providing emotional support? Then you are a family caregiver. Alabama Cares is here to help!
Alabama Cares, part of the National Family Caregiver Support Program, supports family caregivers with information, assistance, and resources to help them take care of their aging loved ones and themselves. Alabama Cares will help to keep families together and will allow seniors to age in place.
- Primary family caregivers of frail, older adults aged 60 or older
- Older relative caregivers (not parents), including grandparents age 55 or older, caring for children ages 18 and younger with or without disabilities
- Older relative caregivers and parents, including grandparents age 55 or older, caring for adults ages 19-59 with disabilities
A person’s income will not prevent them from receiving services. However, family caregivers with the most significant social and economic needs are considered when prioritizing appropriateness for direct service.
- Must have a caregiver (family member, friend, church member) who provides care two or three times per week for the care recipient
The care recipient (the person receiving help from the caregiver) must be 60 years or older and need help with at least three activities of daily living such as bathing, cooking, household chores, transportation, taking medicines, transferring or walking
- There is no income limit, but there is a cost share based on the care recipient’s income

Alabama Cares Services
Providing caregivers and the public details about resources and services available within their communities.
Providing family caregiver education and guidance that assist family caregivers in making decisions and solving problems related to their roles as caregivers.
Establishing a mutual support system for caregivers to discuss their experiences and concerns.
Providing instruction to family caregivers to improve their knowledge and skills related to caregiving.
Helping family caregivers through short-term case management in gaining access to services and resources available to them within their communities.
Complementing care provided by family caregivers to their loved ones, available on a limited basis.
Offering temporary, substitute support to relieve family caregivers from their daily caregiving responsibilities. Due to limited funding, this service is available for family caregivers who have the greatest burden and highest need for relief.