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Serving People

Empowering seniors with on-the-job training for employment

The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a community service and work-based job training program for older Americans operated under a U.S. Department of Labor grant. We thank the Center for Workforce Inclusion, Inc., and the Alabama Department of Senior Services for selecting our organization to operate SCSEP in our community.

The TARCOG SCSEP program is funded by a $46.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor. This funding provides 90% of the support for SCSEP with the Center and its subgrantees providing approximately $5 million in the nonfederal match. The SCSEP Program is an equal opportunity program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.


TARCOG’s Senior Employment Program requires participants:
  • Be age 55 or older
  • Report income that does not exceed 125% of the federal poverty level
  • Reside in DeKalb, Jackson, Limestone, Madison, or Marshall county
  • Be unemployed at the time of application
  • Agree to continue actively seeking employment while enrolled in the program

How the Senior Employment Program Works

Eligible program participants receive an assignment to a government or non-profit 501(c)(3) agency in their communities. Agencies that have agreed to participate in the program include schools, libraries, museums, and senior centers.

Enrollees train for 19.75 hours each week at a rate of $7.34 per hour, receiving on-the-job training, learning new skills, updating previous skills, and getting work experience that prepares them to reenter the workforce.

To learn more, contact the Aging & Disability Resource Center at 256-830-0818.