The Draft Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for the Top of Alabama Regional Council of Governments (TARCOG) five county region is now available. The 30-day public review/comment period begins April 3, 2023, and ends May 3, 2023.
The TARCOG CEDS is a five-year plan serving both as a guiding vision and a “blueprint” for the economic growth of the region and as a benchmark with which to measure growth and success. The CEDS provides a current picture of the status of the region’s economy and documents progress towards economic development goals.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the development of our CEDS. This was an intensive and locally rooted process involving multiple community and stakeholder meetings to gather valuable input to develop TARCOG’s region wide goals and vision for economic development objectives over the next five years.
Please email any comments and/or feedback to Economic Development and Planning Director, Sara James at by the end of the comment period.