Helping elderly and disabled people retain independence at home
The Medicaid Waiver Home and Community-Based Care (HCBC) program is designed to provide services for elderly seniors and disabled individuals that allow them to live well in their own homes and communities they love rather than having their needs met in a nursing home.
- Fully enrolled in Medicaid and/or disabled with income no greater than 300% of the SSI limit
- Determined by a doctor to be at a level of disability that would otherwise require nursing facility care

Medicaid Waiver Aging at Home Program Services
Our case managers work with each participant to create a plan of services that best fit their needs. These services are summarized below.

Homemaker (HM)

Personal Care (PC)

Respite Care
Visits with program participants while family members are away on errands

Case Management
Professional guidance in determining needed services, handling issues, and resources to keep participants independent & safe at home

Companion Services

Adult Day Health Care
Center-based service with activities, meals, and friendships for those who would like to spend a few hours out of the house

Nutrition & Meals Program
Provides at least one nutritious meal each day to participants