Providing and coordinating services to help seniors maintain independence and thrive
The AAA is part of a nationwide network on aging under the direction of the U.S. Administration for Community Living and is funded through the Alabama Department of Senior Services.
The primary responsibility of the AAA to our five-county service area is to plan and carry out a comprehensive, coordinated service delivery system to address the needs of people over 60, and help them maintain their independence. We serve DeKalb, Jackson, Limestone, Madison, and Marshall counties.

Alabama Agency of Regional Councils
The mission of the AARC is “to expand and strengthen the capabilities of Regional Councils to serve local governments and the citizens of Alabama.” The AARC promotes this mission through a number of activities. Once a year, the directors of the regional councils meet in a workshop forum to identify issues affecting all of the regions and to formulate objectives that enhance and promote economic, community and social improvements for the citizens in their regions, and collectively, for the citizens of the State of Alabama.

TARCOG’s Area Agency on Aging (AAA)
The AAA receives guidance from the Area Agency Advisory Council, and is operated under the supervision of the TARCOG Board of Directors.TARCOG does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, national origin, religion, age, or disability in employment or in the provision of services.
What does an AAA do?
- Serves as an advocate on behalf of all older persons within the service area
- Establishes and guides county councils on aging
- Identifies the needs of the elderly and plans for meeting those needs through a system of in-home and community services which enable the elderly to maintain their independence and dignity
- Administers a wide variety of federal, state, local, and private funds to support senior services by working with government officials, elderly constituents, service providers and volunteers
TARCOG’s Area Agency on Aging Services
Counseling, Support and Advocacy
Senior Center Services
- Senior Center Directory
- Nutrition Services
- Transportation
- Education Activities
- Local Information/Referral Services
- Arts & Crafts
Community Programs
- Case Management Services
- Home-Delivered Meals
- Homemaker/Personal Care Services
- Eldercare Coalitions
Agency Administrative Services
- Program Development
- Program Administration
- Program Funding
- Technical Assistance
- National & Regional Information & Referral Services