A pink rose and a pair of socks made Mattie T’s Day a little brighter on Valentines Day.
“I feel fine,” she said after TARCOG case managers Cady Bradley and Ashley Johnson delivered the special gifts for Mattie and her husband Charles on Friday.
She said Charles is recovering from a recent illness and staying with their daughter. It’s the first time they’ve spent time apart during their 62-year marriage. She planned to take his rose and socks to him as soon as possible.
The couple were among 2,500 people throughout the TARCOG region to receive a visit from TARCOG’s Cupid Crews, which delivered roses, socks and cards to 2,000 seniors in nursing homes, adult day centers, senior centers and the agency’s Medicaid Waiver clients in DeKalb, Jackson, Limestone, Madison, and Marshall counties.
TARCOG’s Area Agency on Aging collaborated with Wish of a Lifetime from AARP for Cupid Crew and Bombas socks to spread love to older adults this Valentine’s Day, said TARCOG’s Director of Aging Programs Sheila Dessau-Ivey.
She said TARCOG is also proud to be one of Bombas Giving Partners throughout the U.S. The company donates essential clothing to Giving Partners – from homeless shelters to community organizations – in all 50 states.
TARCOG has teamed up with several youth and community service agencies to create the Valentine’s Day cards and messages for the recipients across the region. The cards will serve as an additional gesture to help strengthen intergenerational connections.
TARCOG is honored to be participating in both programs to spark hope and joy in the hearts of older adults, Dessau-Ivey said.
More photos to come!