Safe Streets Survey $100 Gift Card Winner Announced
August 1, 2024
Phoenix Robinson is still trying to reach two gift card winners by email after the offer of one gift card was expanded to three because of the response to the Safe Streets Survey.
An Athens man won a $100 Visa gift card for completing one of 975 surveys being used to help create a new Regional Safety Action Plan for DeKalb, Jackson, Marshall and portions of Limestone and Madison counties.
TARCOG thanks Gage Coker and everyone who provided input for their participation, said Lee Terry, the agency’s director of Economic Development and Planning.
“Public input is very important when putting together a plan for future road improvements,” Lee said. “Planners need to know what people see and experience each day on the road as part of this process so we’re appreciative of those who helped with the surveys.”
The surveys were completed online and in-person at outreach events throughout the region. Participants email address served as entry to the gift card giveaway.
Phoenix Robinson, principal planner working with consultants on the safety action plan, said Mr. Coker was selected in a random drawing for the gift card. Because of the tremendous response, two additional gift cards were authorized, however Phoenix said she’s been unable to reach the other two winners by email.
“We understand people are often concerned about opening emails from unknown sources, but in this case, we’re legitimately trying to let them know they won a real gift card.” Phoenix said. “For those out there who completed a survey and provided their email address for entry into the $100 Visa gift card giveaway, if you see an email from, it’s me and I’m trying to notify you that you are a winner.”
She said currently, the Regional Safety Action Plan is in its final phase in which all of the collected data, research, surveys, stakeholder and public input are being compiled into proposed project lists for what are being identified as the Top 20 High Injury Corridors along the roadways in the region.
Phoenix said customized lists for each county are being developed that will identify suggested safety improvements along those corridors.
The area project is funded by the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grants from the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration.
For more information or any questions or information requests about the regional safety plan process, please contact TARCOG Economic Development & Planning Staff at 256-830-0818.